montgomery county election endorsements

Montgomery County Board of Elections ADDRESS: 18753 N. Frederick Ave, Suite 210, Gaithersburg, MD 20879 Maps & Directions HOURS: Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm PHONE: 240-777-8500 FAX: 240-777-8600 MD Relay (711): 1-800-735-2258 EMAIL: 2022 Election Endorsements This is our opportunity to elect state and county officials who will shape Maryland's direction for at least the next decade. She is strongly committed to health equity, and she will work tirelessly to ensure all Marylanders have easy access to quality health care and medications without the threat of accumulating devastating medical debt. AdrianBoafo (District 23, Prince George's County)-Congratulations! Of the many titles Wes has held over the years, there are two that hes most proud of: husband and father. We believe in safe communities, excellent educational opportunities, parents' rights, secure . VoterInfobyState_Timeout_jquery = setTimeout(widget_load_check_jquery, 500); However, the Google function displays a drop-down menu form field (with no label) and a Google logo image which has no alt tag. He also has business experience, having worked for both a large corporation and a small local business. Early Voting Polling Locations Branndon Jackson for Prince George's Board of Education (District 6), Grace Rivera-Oven for Montgomery County Board of Education (District 1), Jonathan Briggs for Prince George's Board of Education (District 2). } Below are the candidates that will be on the 2022 primary election ballot for local races, according to the unofficial candidate list published by Montgomery County's Department of Voter . We are enthusiastic in our support of Mr. Albornoz, Mr. Glass and Mr. Goldberg. She is also the Pastor of Jabez Christian Community Church, in Charles County, Maryland. Becoming a member of MCEA connects you with a movement of educators. 350 Pageant Lane His PhD took 53 years. Mark Edelson (District 46, Baltimore City)-Congratulations! 2022 . Montgomery County Administrator of Elections Elizabeth Black said local voters had to be registered to vote by July 5 to be eligible to cast ballots in the Aug. 4 election. The Maryland State Board of Elections must receive requests for a mail-in ballot (formerly known as an absentee ballot) by Nov. 1. Not only did that work give her keen insights into the challenges facing Montgomery residents, but it also honed her ability to bring together community, business and government. Andrew served in the Army for over 20 years as a Military Intelligence Officer, which included three tours in Bosnia and time on the ground in Iraq. District boundaries are adjusted every ten years based on how the population changes. Click here for a mail-in ballot request form. } VoterInfobyState_Resized = true; Alethia McCaskill (District 44B, Baltimore County)-Congratulations! His experience teaching was what reinforced to him that, if we really want to close the opportunity gap and help kids succeed, we need to address the destabilizing impacts of poverty. The next election will be the Nov. 8, 2022, General Election. Wes was born in Takoma Park, Maryland, to Joy and Westley Moore. How to run for office | Other, Email Progressive Maryland is a proudly unionized workplace. } else { Phone. chevron = $(this).find('i.fa-pull-right'); ADDRESS: 18753 N. Frederick Ave, Suite 210, Gaithersburg, MD 20879 Contact Info. Kate first came to Montgomery County in 1995, renting a house on Philadelphia Avenue with her husband Jon. Your email address will not be published. Politics By Endorsements February 14, 2023. State legislature | Karen Lewis Young (District 3, Frederick County)-Congratulations! With so many new council members, it will be important to have someone with his knowledge and reputation as a consensus builder. 100% remote. She was an assistant business editor at the Miami Herald and an assistant city editor at Newsday in New York City, where she helped supervise coverage of 9/11, anthrax attacks and the August 2003 Northeast Blackout. All original content available for reuse under a,, Maryland launches outreach to speed up rollout of new COVID boosters, Get Ready for Your First E-Bike Race With These 10 Tips,,,,,,,,, Roundup: Sun endorses Scott for mayor; Afro picks Dixon; contract tracing to start, Maryland voters weigh in on proposed budget amendment, Elected officials, community leaders urge voters to legalize cannabis, Montgomery County Voters Guide: Candidates for executive, council, courthouse and legislature, A Private Party, an Auditors Report, and a Nightmare in Howard County, State Roundup: Moore pushes for accelerated minimum wage hike tied to inflation; anti-abortion activists rally against legislation to protect procedure, State Roundup: Moore taps gas industry official to PSC; 529 tuition savings plan may be moved to Treasurers Office; judge orders release of Archdiocese report, Moore picks first black state police superintendent; Marylands homicide rates outpaces Baltimores; lawmakers grill BGE officials, Cannabis interests compete for bill changes, Lawmakers consider powerful testimony on transgender rights for inmates, State Roundup: In 1991, Catholic Church pushed for provision it now opposes; bill would tighten concealed carry law; GOP lawmakers question Moore over executive order creating cabinet post, State Roundup: Mandate proposed for fentanyl screening at hospitals; Senate OKs Juvenile Justice pick; No surprise: Davis elected treasurer, State Roundup: Bipartisanship for mental health care access; bill would give immunity to teachers who intervene in school fights, Wes Moores Whitewashing of Abortion Rates, Website Hosting & Management by Mays & Associates. 2022 Midterm Election Endorsements The abortion industry and radically anti-Life Democrats are targeting Texas like never before. Montgomery County voters have until Oct. 5 to register to vote in the Nov. 3 general election. Kent Roberson for Prince George's Board of Education (District 9), Robert Van Rens for Frederick City Board of Alderman, Shawn Livingston for Anne Arundel County Council (District 7), Stephen Puopolo for Harford County Board of Education (District A). Andrew also would like to transition off of fossil fuels, eliminating one of the major factors in inflation. District 4: Amy Ginsburg has a rich history of working with nonprofits, including as head of the Manna Food Center. Diana Fennell (District 47-A, Prince George's County)-Congratulations! The mission of the Montgomery County Election Commission is to promote voter registration and the electoral Wes was born in Takoma Park, Maryland, to Joy and Westley Moore. Cities | We still have more work to do! chevron = $(this).find('i.fa-pull-right'); Suite 404 After Nov. 1, mail-in ballots can be picked up at your local board of elections, and be completed there or submitted later. Our Revolution Western Maryland Endorsements. But the choices are clear. Email if (window.jQuery) { Secondary students cast their . Republicans in each of the county's eight Legislative Districts (as of the 2018 election, this is revised for the 2022 election) elect five individuals to represent them on the Central Committee, as well as eight members who represent Republicans county-wide as "At Large" members. Brian J. Feldman, State Senator, District 15 The Hon. chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); kia dealership montgomery, al; volkswagen lease specials. Andrew wants to fight inflation by enforcing anti-trust and price gouging laws, ensuring that everyone is paying a fair price rather than padding the pockets of CEOs. Montgomery County, Texas, elections, 2022, Presidential election results by county, 2012-2020, Click here to use Ballotpedia's sample ballot, Ballot access for major and minor party candidates, List of absentee/mail-in ballot request websites by state, List of official voter registration websites by state,,_Texas,_elections,_2022&oldid=8996931, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections, **Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. widget_load_check_jquery(); . Learn how your comment data is processed. How a state's counties vote in a presidential election and the size of those counties can provide additional insights into election outcomes at other levels of government including statewide and congressional races. "Sandy" Rosenberg (District 41, Baltimore City)-Congratulations! Two candidates for the 45th SMOB of the Montgomery County Board of Education were selected by students at the February 16th nominating convention: Ibrahima "Baba" Cisse, a junior at Albert Einstein High School and Arvin Kim, a junior at Walt Whitman High School. Here are voter guides for other candidates on the ballot. } Due to COVID-19, all community outreach is cancelled until further notice. We aim to form deep relationships with decision-makers and the residents they serve to make positive change in Montgomery County and to support the MCEA objectives. Jamila is currently a licensed Social Worker, and is employed with the District of Columbia Government. County Executive: . With hard work and physical therapy Millicent was able to get out of the wheelchair and that experience ignited a passion for healthcare. Elections in 2023 | } if (chevron.hasClass('fa-chevron-up')) { chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-up'); She serves on the House Environment & Transportation Committee, where she has been a fierce advocate for progressive priorities that address climate, transit equity, racial justice, universal healthcare, mental health, juvenile justice, disability rights, reproductive rights, and workers' rights. Dawn Gile (District 33, Anne Arundel County)-Congratulations! Precinct/Jurisdiction Chart. Twitter As co-founder of the grassroots organization PG ChangeMakers, she has worked to break down systemic racism and address community issues around housing, food insecurity, health care, LGBTQ rights, police reform, and education. Latest Events. Montgomery County, Texas, held elections for local offices in 2022. /. } PHONE: 240-777-8500 On Aug. 4, those party winners will run against one another and any independents. | Millicent ran for the Board of Education and built a reputation of being honest and reliable. County Web Accessibility information including Alternative Format Requests for Disabled Users are provided on this page. Stories that brim with optimism. Millicent was born in FMH, now called Frederick Health Hospital and just turned 40 in May. widget_load_check_jquery(); This is an updated list of candidates for local and state offices in Montgomery County as of Sept. 14. if (typeof VoterInfobyState_Toggle === 'undefined') { Was early voting available to all voters? The State Board of Elections randomly selected the Early Voting Center and Election Day polling places to be audited, and the Montgomery County Board of Elections randomly selected the mail-in and provisional ballots to be audited. Jazz Lewis (District 24, Prince George's County)-Congratulations! The general election is Tuesday, Nov. 8. Jacob Bennett for Harford County Council (District F). } Email: [emailprotected], Election Commission Paper copies are allowed inside the election booth; referring to your PHONE IS NOT ALLOWED inside the Election Booth. Linda Foley (District 15, Montgomery County)-Congratulations! On the Prince Georges County Council, Krystal will fight to pass policies that improve the overall quality of life in local communities, ensure economic development serves everyone, and center the voices and needs of the countys most vulnerable residents. Members of the Editorial Board and areas of focus: Opinion Editor David Shipley; Deputy Opinion Editor Karen Tumulty; Associate Opinion Editor Stephen Stromberg (national politics and policy, legal affairs, energy, the environment, health care); Lee Hockstader (European affairs, based in Paris); David E. Hoffman (global public health); James Hohmann (domestic policy and electoral politics, including the White House, Congress and governors); Charles Lane (foreign affairs, national security, international economics); Heather Long (economics); Associate Editor Ruth Marcus; and Molly Roberts (technology and society). Of note, three candidates, including incumbent Mark. }. The Baltimore native is a graduate of Vassar College and Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Here's. Important: Political district boundaries are changing! .widget-toggle-tabs li.panel > a:after {font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';content: '\e113';float: right;color: grey}.widget-toggle-tabs li.panel > a.collapsed:after {content: '\e080'} Counties | Tom Hucker, currently the District 5 council member Laurie-Anne Sayles, former Gaithersburg city council member Three. Others are more recent: a rise in crime, covid-related losses in student learning. Especially pertinent to the post-pandemic challenges facing the county is his work in mental health and public safety issues. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Moore pushes for accelerated minimum wage hike tied to inflation, concerning state delegates; anti-abortion activists rally against legislation to protect procedure. All legislative districts have one senator and three delegates elected at large from that district. $(window).on('resize',resizeChevron); Alonzo Washington (District 14, Montgomery County)-Congratulations! The Tennessee primaries took place on August 4, 2022, with Lee and Democrat Jason Martin winning their respective parties' nominations. }); Co. Comm. Email: [emailprotected]. if ($('#vis_xs_indicator').is(':hidden') || typeof VoterInfobyState_Resized!='undefined') { LEARN MORE Campaign Finance All candidates must maintain proper financing records. U.S. President | Counties | Read more about race and ethnicity in the census. Maryland Reporters Voters Guide: Statewide candidates for governor, comptroller, attorney general, Maryland Reporters Voters Guide: Candidate for Congress. Montgomery County 2022 Gubernatorial General Election Local Candidates List. District 1: Incumbent Andrew Friedson is the only incumbent running unopposed, a testament to the stellar work of his first four years. If a candidate has an endorsement page on their campaign website, we link to it. Andrew retired from the Army and decided to get politically active. Governor and compare the results of the manual tally against the results from the voting system. Wes Moore (D) has tapped Lt. Col. Roland L. Butler Jr. to lead the Maryland State Police, an agency in the throes of a federal probe of its hiring and promotional practices and questions as to whether those More than 80 scheduled speakers and dozens of others converged on the House Economic Matters Committee Friday for one of the biggest days on the legislative calendar: a hearing on the omnibus bill to create a legal market for cannabis in Maryland. She previously served on the Baltimore County Democratic Central Committee and as a co-chair of Our Revolution Baltimore. The County was previously divided into five districts. if ($(this).next('.vis_widget_table').is(":hidden")) { I love them.. 100% remote. } 2022 Montgomery County Endorsement Team Thank you to all the Campaign Fund Board Members, Montgomery County volunteers, and staff who contributed to the endorsement process, giving generously of their time and insights. } Republican Jurisdiction Montgomery County Status Active Filed Regular -01/18/2022 Email Website Click the links below to learn more: Click here to use Ballotpedia's sample ballot to find every election that Ballotpedia has on file for your address. Pennsylvania's primary election is scheduled for May 16 and the general election will take place on Nov. 7. } Purchase Voter List. } Montgomery County, Maryland, elections, 2022, Presidential election results by county, 2012-2020, Click here to use Ballotpedia's sample ballot, Ballot access for major and minor party candidates, List of absentee/mail-in ballot request websites by state, List of official voter registration websites by state,,_Maryland,_elections,_2022&oldid=8903396, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections, **Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Samuel I. } else { The council would benefit from her pragmatic common sense. Montgomery County Democratic Committee members participate in the MCDC County. Ballotpedia features 395,397 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. District 7: Dawn Luedtke, an assistant state attorney general with broad experience in education, public safety and health-care law, is forward-thinking in her approach to issues. Wala Blegay is an attorney, community activist, and advocate committed to improving the quality of life for Prince Georges County residents. Mail-in ballots must be dropped in a ballot drop box by 8 p.m, on Election Day, Nov. 8, or postmarked by that day if mailed. Cheryl C. Kagan, State Senator, District 17 The Hon. Rev. Jim Rosapepe (District 21, Prince George's and Anne Arundel County)-Congratulations! if (document.readyState === 'complete') { U.S. President | David Fraser-Hidalgo (District 15, Montgomery County)-Congratulations! Progressive Maryland is proud to have endorsed the following Central Committee members who won their races in the 2022 Maryland Primary Election: Andrew Saundry for Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee, At-Large(District 15), Ian Miller, Baltimore County Democratic Central Committee, Jennifer Mendes Dwyer, Baltimore County Democratic Central Committee, Peter Witzler, Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee, At-Large, Tiffany Jones for Baltimore City Democratic State Central Committee (District 45). Held over the years, there are two that hes most proud of: husband father... County Web Accessibility information including Alternative Format requests for a mail-in ballot formerly! 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montgomery county election endorsements